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    alzheimers-disease1. Memory Loss: Memory Loss is one of the most common early signs of Dementia. The individual may be unable to recall recent events as well as basic information, which they were familiar with previously.

    2. Difficulty Performing Tasks: Individuals who have a diagnosis of Dementia may have difficulty with completing daily activities, such as household chores (e.g. cooking, cleaning, laundry) and/or personal care tasks (dressing, bathing, toileting). Keeping track of their daily routine may become challenging as well (e.g. placing a phone call).

    3. Language and Communication Problems: Individuals with Dementia may have difficulty with word location, as well as the ability to complete sentences and thoughts.

    4. Disorientation to Time, Place and Person: Individuals with Dementia may forget the elements of time (e.g. day, date, year, season, month), as well as elements of place (location, city, state) and person. As the level of disorientation increases, individuals with Dementia may wander away or become lost as they are unfamiliar with various surroundings.

    5. Impaired Judgment: An individual with Dementia may begin to lose their ability to judge and assess things accurately. Their insight to situations may become impaired as well.

    6. Issues with Abstract Thinking: An individual with Alzheimer’s disease may experience difficulties with complex mental tasks such as computing numbers.

    7. Misplacing Items: Often times, an individual with Dementia may misplace items and perceive that someone has taken those items – when in fact, the individual is still in possession of the items but cannot recall where he/she may have placed them.

    8. Changes in Mood and Behavior: An individual with Dementia may exhibit rapid changes in mood and behavior, such as: anxiety, agitation, depression. He/she may also develop changes in personality including paranoia and psychotic symptoms.

    9. Changes in Personality: The personality of a person with Alzheimer’s disease may change as he/she can become confused, agitated, anxious or suspicious.

    10. Weight Loss: An individual with Dementia may experience changes in appetite and during later stages of the illness, may experience a more significant weight loss.

    Please contact our geriatric care manager to discuss these as well as other issues that are related to your loved one. We possess extensive knowledge, skills and experience in working with individuals and families, who are facing the issues outlined above. Please feel free to contact us at:
    (718) 544-0870 and visit our website at: www.alternativesolutionsny.com

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